Our Services
Provide services of the Supported Employment program by assisting clients to obtain and maintain employment that is consistent with their vocational goals.
Responsible for developing and implementing programs that align workforce with key business strategies and initiatives.
Provides Supported Employment services designed to assist individuals in achieving an ideal quality of life.
Job responsibilities include development of supported employment plan, development and delivery of supported employment services and documentation of progress.
Supported Employment Specialists are required to work individually with regulars independently job developing and implementing supported employment services, which are based on consumer desires, medical necessity, and the Supported Employment Specialist judgment.
Job Coaching & Mentoring
Regular interaction with employees, identify both job and career advancement opportunities for clients based on their needs, objectives, and skill sets.
Assist clients in identifying and enhancing their job skills, suggest improvements to clients' resumes, and ensure that clients are adequately prepared for job interview.
Helping clients identify personal goals, overcome personal barriers and develop leadership skills.
Promoting career opportunities through networking and workshops. Keeping records and documentation of client progress.
Employment Counseling
Counselors work with individuals, and sometimes with groups, to assist them in making wise career decisions.
To help their clients find the right type of job, counselors collect and assess information about education, previous employment experience, skills, interests, and personal information.